
兩個多月前,知名的媒體華爾街日報有一篇醫藥界的新聞,但是注意到的人不多,在此把報導的原文及翻譯找出來,供大家參考。葛蘭素藥廠的主管決策人員 提到,除了藥物專利期過期,同成分藥物(在台灣常被稱為台廠藥)會衝擊藥價,減少獲利以外,主要還是因為抗憂鬱劑的研發不僅花費高昂,而且用藥過程無法用 客觀的檢測來證實療效,再加上患者用藥後引發的副作用及後遺症所衍生的法律糾紛,需大量費用來支付,致使藥廠高層人員決議放棄抗憂鬱劑新藥的研發。

針對克憂果,過去有累積不少的臨床報告,這些研究結果,許多專業人員也不清楚,遑論一般服用藥物的患者或者大眾,以下為相關研究的結果的整理,提醒 大家注意:

葛蘭素藥廠的抗憂鬱劑,學名為Paroxetine,在外國的商品名為Paxil,國內為Seroxat,中文商品名為克憂果,在泌尿科的「新」藥 名就是學名Paroxetine,治療的適應症為早洩,這其實是許多選擇性的血清素回收抑制劑(SSRI)憂鬱劑的副作用(SSRI常見的副作用為噁心、 嗜睡及性功能障礙),克憂果與其他SSRI不同之處:體重增加,相關資料請見:

Papakostas GI (2008). "Tolerability of modern antidepressants". J Clin Psychiatry 69 Suppl E1: 8–13. PMID 18494538

FDA從2004年3月公告的抗憂鬱劑警語:抗憂鬱劑服用可能會增加自殺的危險性,克憂果不僅名列其中,而且許多臨床報告發現服用克憂果與安慰劑的 患者比較,服用克憂果產生自殺想法的比例明顯提升。這裡也有一篇2008年的研究可參考:

Barbui C, Furukawa TA, Cipriani A (January 2008). "Effectiveness of paroxetine in the treatment of acute major depression in adults: a systematic re-examination of published and unpublished data from randomized trials". CMAJ 178 (3): 296–305. doi:10.1503/cmaj.070693. PMID 18227449

青少年服用克憂果,臨床上不但看不到抗憂鬱的效果,同時還會增加自傷及自殺的危險 性:

Hammad TA (2004-08-16). "Review and evaluation of clinical data: relationship between psychotropic drugs and pediatric suicidality"

Hammad TA, Laughren T, Racoosin J (March 2006). "Suicidality in pediatric patients treated with antidepressant drugs". Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 63 (3): 332–9.

"Report of the CSM expert working group on the safety of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants"(PDF). MHRA. 2004-12. Retrieved 2009-02-17. 

對懷孕婦女來說,FDA在2005年12月也發表了相關的安全警示:依臨床試驗結果顯示,本品會增加產生畸胎的危險性,尤其是心血管方面的發育不 良:

 "FDA Public Health Advisory Paroxetine". Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved 05/02/2009. 

 "Paroxetine and Pregnancy". GlaxoSmithKline. Retrieved 05/02/2009. 

有精神科用藥的任何問題,歡迎大家可以在部落格和我討論,提醒大家,已經在服用精神科藥物的人,千萬不可斷然停 藥,尤其想減藥或者停藥,務必在專業人員的建議及監督下,慢慢減藥,減少可能的戒斷不適引發的危險。


The Wall Street Journal. (華爾街日報),  5 February 2010

Glaxo to Shift Away From Antidepressant Research



GlaxoSmithKline PLC said it will stop research into new antidepressants and focus on diseases for which it believes it can develop more valuable drugs, a major shift for a company that developed some of the biggest-selling antidepressants of the past 20 years.

葛蘭素史克公司表示,他們將停止研究新的抗憂鬱劑,並且把重心轉向研究其他疾病,,因為該公司相信他們可以發展出更有價值的 藥物。這是一個在過去20年間發展出某些暢銷抗憂鬱劑的藥廠所做出的重大轉變。 

However, low-cost generic copies have eroded demand for name-brand antidepressants, which accounted for just 2.3% of total sales last year, down from 14% in 2002. Chief Executive Andrew Witty said Thursday that the company thinks further investment in the market wouldn't be prudent.

然而,低成本的非專利藥 品逐漸削弱了對品牌抗憂鬱劑的需求,這解釋了葛蘭素公司這類藥物佔總銷售額的比例從2002年的14%下降到去年只佔 2.3%。葛蘭素的執行長安德魯威蒂週四表示,該公司認為,進一步投資市場並不明智。 

Part of the reason is financial risk. Clinical trials of antidepressants are among the "most expensive and highest-risk" of all drug trials, Mr. Witty said, because companies often don't know until the end of very large studies whether a drug works. It is also hard to prove that a depression drug is working, he said, because patient improvement is measured by subjective mood surveys, and not by the clear-cut blood tests and biological measures used in other diseases.

這有部分原因是財務上的風險。抗憂鬱劑的臨床試驗是所有藥物試驗中「最昂貴和風險最高 的」,威蒂先生表示,由於公司往往不知道藥物是否有效,除非直到大量的研究結束。他提到,要證明一種憂鬱劑藥物有效也很難,因為病人改善的情況是用主 觀的情緒問卷調查來衡量,而不是向其他疾病那樣用明確的血液檢測和生物測量方法。 

Weighing on earnings were £392 million of legal charges in the fourth quarter. Mr. Witty would say only that these related to "quite a number of cases," declining to add whether they were tied to a federal investigation of the company's drug-marketing practices in the U.S.
給收益帶來壓力的是第四季3.92億英鎊的法律費用。威蒂先 生只說,這些費用關係到「相當多的案件」,而拒絕進一步說明他們是否因為聯邦當局調查該公司在美國的藥品行銷做法而受到牽絆。

Andrew Witty, CEO of GlaxoSmithKline, spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York in January.
—Sten Stovall and Jason Douglas contributed to this article.
-斯登斯托維爾和賈森道格拉 協助撰寫本文。



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